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Social Justice Trailblazer Ruth Messinger on Be the Change

By Jewish Arts Collaborative

Published Jul 24, 2023



This Curation is part of Be the Change.

Explore the full collection

Social Justice Trailblazer Ruth Messinger on Be the Change

(3 min) Rabbi Jonah Pesner, Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC) and Be the Change Global Ambassador, joins Ruth Messinger to talk about Be the Change.


Ruth Messinger is the former President and CEO of American Jewish World Service, an icon of the social justice movement, and one of the founding Partners of Be the Change alongside JArts and artist Caron Tabb.


Explore the public art installations for Be the Change Boston 2023:

I Am My Sister’s Keeper by Caron Tabb

Wishing Well by Cicely Carew

Free to Learn by Ruth K. Henry

In Other Eyes by Wen-hao Tien

Searching for Home by Chanel Thervil

The Power of the Vote by Dana Woulfe

Transcending Borders by Julia Csekö


JArts’ mission is to curate, celebrate, and build community around the diverse world of Jewish arts, culture, and creative expression. Our vision is of a more connected, engaged, and tolerant world inspired by Jewish arts and culture.


The Evolution of Leadership and Social Responsibility:

Rabbi Jonah Pesner praises Ruth Messinger for embodying what the Jewish community aspires to achieve in terms of justice. Similarly, Ruth commends Rabbi Pesner for his journey from rabbinical inspiration to leadership in organizing and social change. How do personal journeys and evolutions influence leadership styles and the effectiveness of social justice movements? And how does this relate to the broader theme of individual responsibility in addressing societal issues?

The Power of Storytelling:

Ruth identifies storytelling as one of the earliest art forms that engage people. How does storytelling, as an art, influence people's perceptions, and why might it be more effective than presenting mere facts or statistics? How can contemporary movements harness the power of storytelling to create a more profound impact on their audiences?

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