Why Is This Site Different From All Other Sites?
This is a place to experience the depth and breadth of Jewish arts, culture, and creative expression.
In-person, we celebrate Jewish moments through inspiring events and experiences.
Immerse yourself in content that celebrates our colorful heritage. Embrace Jewish experiences beyond the bagel and schmear.
Big News!
We’re thrilled to announce that on February 1, The Vilna Shul and the Jewish Arts Collaborative officially joined together to elevate and expand access to Jewish culture and community across Greater Boston!
Who We Are
The Jewish Arts Collaborative (JArts™) curates, celebrates, and builds community around the diverse world of Jewish arts, culture, and creative expression.
Our vision is of a more connected, engaged, and tolerant world inspired by Jewish arts and culture.
View our board of directors and advisors.

Executive Director Laura Mandel
Laura Conrad Mandel is an artist, social entrepreneur, and public art advocate. Before it merged with the Boston Jewish Music Festival to become JArts, Laura directed NOW—the young adult program of the New Center for Arts and Culture in Boston. Laura grew up in Newton, MA, and after graduating from Carnegie Mellon University with a degree in Art and English, Laura worked at the Hillel JUC of Pittsburgh and Hadassah Southern California. She is the Chair of the Council of American Jewish Museums, co-chair of the Lyric Stage Advisory Committee, and serves on the MASSCreative Advisory Council, and the JCRC Boston Council. Laura is the author of the monthly Art D’var blog on JewishBoston.com. Get in touch with Laura at lauram@jartsboston.org.

Project Manager, Be the Change Molly Silver
Molly has spent most of her career at the interaction of Judaism and social justice, most recently holding positions at the New Israel Fund and Combined Jewish Philanthropies, where, under her direction, the Ruderman Synagogue Inclusion became a national force in the field of inclusion. Molly has had significant experience working with artists, producing large public events and working collaboratively with partners and stakeholders to expand the reach and breadth of projects from local initiatives to national prominence, as she has done with JArts’ bold initiative Be the Change. Molly served for 7 years as Vice President of Spiritual Life at Temple Beth Zion in Brookline MA, where is privileged to be a regular Torah, Haftarah. and Megillah reader. Get in touch with Molly at mollys@jartsboston.org.

Community Creative Fellowship Mentor Tova Speter
Tova Speter is the Community Creative Fellowship mentor, sharing her many years of expertise as a community artist, art therapist, art educator, and arts consultant. For more than 20 years, Tova has facilitated collaborative art experiences that offer opportunities for self expression, artistic exploration, and community connection. In addition to being a practicing painter, installation artist, and community muralist, Tova also has a Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling and Art Therapy.
We Believe In…
- Fostering innovative expressions of contemporary Jewish identity.
- Meeting people where they are — online, in person, culturally, and spiritually — with depth and breadth of content to increase accessibility.
- Expressing the diversity of the Jewish experience.
- Contextualizing Israel as part of the American Jewish story.
- Making space for audiences to connect with important contemporary issues.
- Collaborating with organizations of all backgrounds and beliefs to create more connected and understanding communities.
Our Story
The Jewish Arts Collaborative was formed in 2014 as the result of a merger of two veteran institutions: the Boston Jewish Music Festival and the New Center for Arts and Culture (with support from Combined Jewish Philanthropies, TDC Consultants, and funding from the Boston Foundation Catalyst Fund). Boston-based Jewish cultural leaders had come together to explore new ways to elevate Jewish culture, and thus The Jewish Arts Collaborative was born: a place to explore and engage with Jewish culture through the lenses of Jewish art, music, literature, and other forms of creative expression.
We launched publicly in December 2015 with Boston’s first-ever Jewish public art project: “8 Nights, 8 Windows.” We’ve since been a valued member of the Greater Boston cultural landscape, garnering national attention and distinguished awards, while reaching people in Boston and beyond.
In 2025, JArts and The Vilna Shul join forces in our next iteration in the hopes of further elevating Jewish arts and culture for our community.
Leadership & Advisors
- Chris Wyett, Chair
- Caron Tabb, Vice Chair
- Lara Freishtat, Clerk
- Kevin Steinberg, Treasurer
- Jessica Alpert Silber
- Howard Cohen, Past Chair
- Ronald M. Druker, Past Chair
- Kerry Epstein, Immediate Past Chair
- Jeff Freedman
- Harriet Goldin
- Molly Goodman
- Alison Hammer
- Morris Housen
- Alison Judd
- Sam Mendoza Fraiman
- Daniel Navisky
- David Orlinoff
- Lorre Polinger
- Suzanne G. Priebatsch
- Alan Rottenberg
- Carey Schwartz
- Barry Shrage
- Paula Sidman, Past Chair
- Gerald Slavet, Past Chair
- Joey Baron, Founding Artistic Director
- Robert L. Beal, z”l
- Julie & Ronald M. Druker
- The Klarman Family Foundation
- The Krupp Family Foundation
- Myra Musicant & Howard Cohen
- Michael B. Rukin Charitable Foundation
- Sidman Family Foundation
- Susan & Gerald Slavet
- Millicent C. Starr Charitable Trust
- Wolk Family & Cross Country Group
- Michael Miller, Past Chair
- Hankus Netsky
Get Involved
Want to join our artist network, list an event with us, or explore opportunities for partnerships? Get in touch here.
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