“Week 9: Grape”: A Poem by Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach
Published Feb 9, 2023

Yetzirah Featured Poet: Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach

Julia Kolchinksy Dasbach emigrated from Ukraine as a Jewish refugee in 1993, when she was six years old. Her third collection, 40 WEEKS, is out this month from YesYes Books, and poet Keetje Kuipers writes, “One might think these intimate and tender poems are about carrying a child to term, but in truth they’re an examination of what it means to carry ourselves through the world: open, vulnerable, aware of the risk but ready to receive it all.”
Learn more about Julia, and register for her reading on February 12, 2023.
Jessica Jacobs is the author of Take Me with You, Wherever You’re Going (Four Way Books), winner of the Devil’s Kitchen and Goldie Awards, Pelvis with Distance (White Pine Press), winner of the New Mexico Book Award and a Lambda Literary Award finalist, and Write It! 100 Poetry Prompts to Inspire (Spruce Books/ PenguinRand...
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