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Spin Joy Into the World: Inspiring Positivity Through Public Art

Marni Gittleman and Bobby Z. Rodriguez encourage passers-by to take action after spinning their interactive piece created for Be the Change LA

By Jewish Arts Collaborative

Published Jul 26, 2023



This Curation is part of Be the Change.

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Spin Joy into the World

Above: (2 min 30 sec) Be the Change 2023 | Los Angeles | Spin Joy into the World with Marni Gittleman, Bobby Z. Rodriguez, and Michael Fritzen of The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles. Video by the Jewish Arts Collaborative.


How can people individually and collectively “be the change” through joyful actions?



Spin Joy into the World is a community-centered art project conceptualized by Marni Gittleman in partnership with The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles. This interactive installation seeks to inspire positive action and foster a sense of community engagement, emphasizing the theme of spreading joy.

The artwork is designed as a “play station,” with vibrant graffiti-style art and a spinning wheel with kindness prompts. On spinning the wheel, participants are encouraged to enact whatever action they land on, such as sharing a smile or lending a hand, further spreading positivity and fostering unity in their community.

Gittleman, the concept developer, and Rodriguez, the muralist and creative engineer, worked alongside Michael Fritzen, the program manager for PJ Library, PJ Our Way, and The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles team. Fritzen acted as a bridge between the artists and the larger organizations, facilitating communication and problem-solving throughout the project.

Spin Joy into the World aims to act as a physical share button that only does good. The creators hope that the piece will inspire individuals, both locally and globally, to be agents of positive change in their communities. The project also underscores The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles’s mission of spreading joy and providing resources throughout the Los Angeles community.



Bobby Z. Rodriguez is an Angeleno and a product of the late 80s. His life, passion, and art continue to be influenced by the city and 90’s culture that raised him. From punk rock and comic books to pop art, Chicano culture, and graffiti, Bobby grew up feeding off of the artistic wisdom that is found both in museums and on the streets. 

Marni Gittleman is an Exhibit Developer, Community Engagement Artist, and Integrative Learning Specialist passionate about creating experiences that are sensorially inspired, imagination-powered, resourcefully conscious, and heart-centered. She is curious and constantly weaving connection points between clients, concepts, and the community. Marni’s approach is participant-centered, holistic, interdisciplinary, and multi-modal. She believes everyone and every action counts.   


Learn more about Be the Change and explore more tzedakah boxes from Be the Change L.A. 2023.

Spin Joy into the World

Above: Spin Joy into the World in Plummer Park, West Hollywood for Be the Change L.A. 2023. Photo by Brett Erickson.


Spin Joy into the World

Above: A close-up of the wheel on Spin Joy into the World. Photo by Brett Erickson.




JArts’ mission is to curate, celebrate, and build community around the diverse world of Jewish arts, culture, and creative expression. Our vision is of a more connected, engaged, and tolerant world inspired by Jewish arts and culture.



Spin Joy into the World aims to incite positive action in the community. What strategies or aspects of the project do you think are particularly effective in achieving this goal, and why?


Tikkun Olam, or "healing the world", is a Jewish value that is at the core of Spin Joy into the World. How are Tikkun Olam and Tzedek ("justice") intertwined?


The playfulness of the bright colors alongside the fun interactive elements, present taking action as joyful and positive. Is healing the world always joyful? Can it be? Why or why not?

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