Momeleh: A New Blended Album from Jewish Opera Singer Cheri Rose Katz
Published Oct 21, 2022

Released in April 2022, this new album by Jewish mezzo-soprano Cheri Rose Katz is a tribute to her daughter, but also dedicated to her mother, Margeret Erle Katz, who is known by many as “The American Philomena”. Cheri’s mother’s story was captured in the book AMERICAN BABY: A Mother, a Child, and the Shadow History of Adoption by Gabrielle Glaser.
Momeleh, a bright light for Katz out of the pandemic, is a “polyglot” album born out of her opera background, Jewish heritage, traditions, and ancestry. It only makes sense that a song about motherhood and “Avinu Malkeinu” (also featured in this piece) exist on the same record.
Learn more about Cheri’s influences here.
Avinu Malkeinu
Dramatic mezzo-soprano Cheri Rose Katz has distinguished herself for her “beauty of tone and stylish musicality.” Her outstanding talent captured the attention of the Deutsche Oper Berlin, which engaged her for two seasons in over one hundred performances of the great Verdi and Wagner roles.
“Ms.Katz displayed a rich voice of dark, majestic timbre and deep sonority. The long musical phrases, constructed with great skill and excellent articulation, were very organic”.
The mezzo has performed all over the world and is an International Prize Winner of many vocal competitions. Cheri Rose Katz was also featured on The CBS Sunday Morning Show. Ms.Katz is a very active recitalist, producer, an ASCAP singer-songwriter, and recording artist. Her Album,“Momeleh,” premiered May 1, 2022 to great acclaim in the Top 100 Albums of ITUNES Classical Music Charts!
She is currently pursuing her MBA in Music Business at Berklee College of Music/SNHU.
Listen to the full album
To purchase the album, click here.
JArts’ mission is to curate, celebrate, and build community around the diverse world of Jewish arts, culture, and creative expression. Our vision is of a more connected, engaged, and tolerant world inspired by Jewish arts and culture.
Cheri's album shows her breadth of experience in different languages and styles. One of her influences is cantorial music, which some say sounds very familiar to opera at time. What do you think?
One of the central themes in the album is motherhood. If you were to put together an album (or a book, or a play, or a film, etc) based on a portion of your life, what would you want the central theme to be?
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