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Hebrew Typography Reimagined: A Visionary Approach to Hebrew Letters

Avraham Cornfeld reimagines age-old traditions with a fresh artistic perspective

By Culture Treasures

Published Aug 28, 2023


Raised in the ultra-Orthodox tradition, Avraham Cornfeld is breathing new life into the ancient Hebrew letter. His approach as a typographer and graphic designer takes these sacred characters, long imbued with history and spirituality, and presents them with a renewed artistic flair for contemporary audiences.

Historically, Hebrew letters in Jewish teachings are more than mere symbols. They’re seen as vessels of divine essence. The ultra-Orthodox practice of Talmud Torah b’dvash, a positive association learning technique that introduces young children to letters (and Torah study) through the sweet taste of honey, encapsulates this deep-rooted reverence.

In the spirit of revival, Cornfeld initiated AlefAlefAlef, a platform championing contemporary He brew typography designs. Here, tradition meets innovation as typefaces draw inspiration from diverse fields like architecture and mythology while remaining functionally adept.

This video offers an enlightening peek into Cornfeld’s transformative approach, underscoring the limitless potential of reviving and reinventing Hebrew letters in today’s design landscape. Through his work, Cornfeld masterfully captures the essence of renewal, intertwining age-old traditions with fresh artistic perspectives.


Culture Treasures Magazine is a gateway for art, design, and film enthusiasts, guiding them toward sources of inspiration and creation across the globe.


The Power of Typography

Cornfeld's initiative, AlefAlefAlef, showcases the multifaceted nature of typography, drawing inspiration from diverse fields like architecture and mythology. How does the intersection of various disciplines shape and enrich the typographic designs presented? Given the profound spiritual significance of Hebrew letters, how does modern typography balance respect for tradition while pushing the boundaries of design? How do you see this balance reflected in Cornfeld’s work?

Sensory Experiences

Reflect on the ultra-Orthodox practice of Talmud Torah b’dvash, where young children are introduced to Hebrew letters through the sweet taste of honey. How does this sensory experience, merging taste and learning, exemplify the significance and reverence of Hebrew letters in Jewish teachings? In what ways can sensory experiences enhance the learning process and forge deeper connections to cultural and religious practices?

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