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Arielle Tonkin

Arielle Tonkin

Arielle Tonkin (they) is a queer mixed ashkesephardimizrahi artist living on Ohlone land in the so-called SF Bay Area. Arielle works to dismantle white supremacy through art practice, arts & culture organizing, and Jewish and interfaith education work. The Muslim-Jewish Arts Fellowship, Arts Jam for Social Change, Tzedek Lab, SVARA, and Atiq: Jewish Maker Institute are among their networks of accountability, collective power, creative collaboration and care. Recent solo and group exhibitions of their work include Orienting Practice at the Rubin-Frankel gallery at Boston University and Queering Jewish Diasporas at Omni Commons. Arielle’s artwork and social practice presences, queers, and formalizes the belief that healing through relationship can shift the fabric of social space and eventually, one braided thread at a time, shift the structure of the physical world.